HAIRDRESS The female hairdresses from the Minoan civilisation were very reach, carefuly stilized and allways in the style
to underline the hair as the one of the most beautiful natural ornament of the human body. There was one special hairdress
for priestess, (and perhaps for the other woman, but that we coudn`t know excately, for sure), with three tails, one at the
back, and other two on the sides, infront bothe ears, as the sign that they are worshiping The Great Mother - The tripartite
Godess, which rules on the earth, at the heaven, and in the underworld. CLOTHES The clothes of Minoan women were
very elegant, and with carefully choosen designs. It is interesting that they were wearing the clothes with opened breasts,
as a simbol of maternity, and on that target, they discovered a sleeveless embroidered jackets, which was opened on the breasts,
to underline them more. Dresses were specialy elegant, bothe cretian styles, as one in the shape of the bell, as the
one with a slit at one side, and they were made to underline the slim waist. Also and the colours of a patterns were designed
in a first class of aesthetics. SHOES In fact, all women on the all frescoes of the Minoan civilisation were presented
in barefoot. It was obliged for the pristess, to perform all the rituals in barefoot as a simbol of a conection with the mother
Earth, and perhaps they had to be barefoot as allways as possible, as some kind of duty. Perhaps, that was the rule and for
the other woman, and perhaps it was just because of a hot climate, but the conclusion is that women iof the Minoan civilisation,
mostly went around in barefeet.