For the Old Egyptians, dancing in generaly was something much more important than some ordinary amusement, especialy before
the XXth century B.C. The naked body of a female dancer was performing the Neith, the body of the Great Mother, the universe,
whose part is also and our Earth. A dancer had to be pliable, almost an acrobat, because of the various positions of the body
which had to performe by dancing. Except various instruments, very important details of a sound were palms claspings
of the dancers, to a palm, to the own body, or even to a body of the other dancers. On the picture above, there is a
survey of a classical party with some dancers, from about the period of 18,19th dinasty, somewhere about the XIII century
B.C. In those times, dancing also was and a part of amusement on the parties of a nobility, not only the religious performing
as it was before. A cups on the heads of the ladies on the picture, were a special dishes, from wich some ethereal oils
were trickling slowly.