It is a question, how often theirs kids, also and adults why not, almost had a free time for some games, living in the country
with two or more harvests in a year. But from some frescoes, we can make a conclusion, that theirs girls had a little bit
more times than theirs boys. Most of frescoes which surveys ordinary, everydays events, free times or games, are from
Thel el Amarna, from the period od the Amenhotep, the revolutionary pharaoh, and his wife Nefretete, XVIII dinasty. Mostly,
these details on the picture above which are describing children in various games are made after that frescoes. On the
left, there is a survey of three boys in a well known game, the one which is knealing has to quess who clasped him. That survey
doesn`t exist on any frescoe. There is one frescoe from Thel-el-Amarna, representing three young girls, but more maids or
young ladies than a children in a similar situation. One is bended over, like for the leapfrog game, and other two are visiably
clasping her back ( We haven`t still this frescoe, and if anyone could find it over the net, please, send it to us, or send
to us even an address where the frescoe is existing). After the happily smiles of all three we could make a conclusion that
thet are in the game, but that could be and a survey of dancing also. For the Old Egiptians, meaning of dancing in generaly
were something much more deep than for us, in nowdays. One of the most important instruments of theirs holly dancers were
hands and body in generaly, and clasping of the hands ant the body were a way of representing those things which were important
in theirs performancing. Also, by clasping the body of the dancer in one purposed rhytm, they were `downloading` some excately
vibrationes in the body of a dancer, and on this way she was capable to performed it more easy, excately, and on some obliged,
archetypic way, something that was very important for them.In this target we have to keep information that those frescoes
are from XIII, XIV century B.C.,after the liberation of Egypt, of the Hyksos, which changed theirs civilisation in the 6 century
long ocupation. Because, before the xx century B.C., everything in Old Egypt were different. The survey of two boys
in wrestling is taken from some wall reliefs, representing professional wrestlers, males, in various positions, but perhaps
that could be one of theirs ways of gaming, like the all other boys in the world, In every century. On the right, there
are some girls in a game with a ball. Two of them are bended over and the other two are riding them, while threwing and catching
the ball. There is one frescoe from Thel el Amarna, representing princesses in very similar game (in fact by their hairdresses
it is not sure that the frescoe is representing the princesses, because the obliged hairddress for princesses in that periode
were different, but it doesen`t matter). The interesting fact is that this survey were represented in many encyclopaedias,
and many times, perhaps because of hipocrisy and other typical things for this, our nowdays civilisation, the pictures were
representing boys, not a girls. ( two of those various surveys we added on this page bellow. The picture on the right is nearer
by the original, but it seems that some editor were a little shameful after his unknowledge, so he puted the boys as a rided
persones). Here it is important to underline that for the Old Egyptian , the beauty of the women was measured by the beauty
of theirs back, especialy by those two little dimples above a bottom. For theirs women, was also important that they are capable
to carry some heavy things, for them, the role of male were to directing the things, and the female was something as the `stronger
gender`, as a gender which is giving a born, and a gender which is connected for the Earth (males are connected for the sky).
Or like by the habits of the beattle , the scarab, very important simbol for Old Egyptians. Here is also important, that in
Old Egypt, the law of heredity was through the female descedents, not through the males, like in our civilisation today. For
exeample, much later, the Roman procurator in the town of Arssinoy`s, finded that two of a third parts of the cityzens are
brothers, married with theirs sisters. Finaly, behind the survey of the four girls playing with the ball, there are
two boys playing something very similar to a nowdays tenis or a badminton. There are some frescoes, againe from Thel el Amarna,
on this target and on the some of them, there is the pharaoh in personaly, represented in playing that game with his wife.
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